The French Senate refused to impose a ban on the police use of rubber bullets

KIEV. March 8. UNN. The French Senate on Thursday voted against the proposal to impose a ban on the use of police and gendarmerie of the country, large-caliber rubber bullets against the demonstrators. This was reported by Agence France-Presse, reports UNN.

The proposal was put forward by a group of “Communists, Republicans and environmentalists” (CRCE), with a majority of senators from the French Communist party. The text was supported by representatives of the French Socialist party.

Senator for the socialist party Jerome Duren said, speaking in the debate, that “the burden of injuries obtained from the use of specrail LBD, shooting rubber bullets, indicates that currently developed is not valid for the French society.”

France for the use of dangerous weapons has already criticized the Council of Europe and the UN high Commissioner for human rights Michelle Bachelet.

Thursday in the Senate the proposal of the left was rejected, as in the upper house a majority of right-wing forces. Speaking in the discussion to senators, Secretary of state at the Ministry of internal Affairs of France Laurent Nunez reported that from November 17 when the protest movement of the “yellow jackets”, during demonstrations with specrail LBD was made more than 13 thousand shots with rubber bullets.

“Also, since the beginning of the events among the demonstrators there were 2.2 thousand wounded. In cases of use of rubber bullets <…> initiated 83 investigations,” said the state Secretary at the interior Ministry of France.

According to him, in demonstrations since mid-November “affected about 1.5 thousand policemen, gendarmes and firemen.”

“If there were no violence, there would be wounded – either among the protesters or among law enforcement officers. If it were not for bullies and aggressive people wouldn’t have to use rubber bullets,” – said the Nunez.

Recall that in the sixteenth Saturday of mobilization of movement participants “yellow jackets” in France, the protests reached more than 39 thousand people of which 4,000 are in the capital. In Paris detained 33 people.