The fire in the Odessa region killed the boy

KIEV. March 16. UNN. In Myrony village in Odessa region on the fire in a private house killed a boy 2011 born. About this UNN was reported in head Department gschs region.

March 15, 22:33 in Service of rescue the message came that in the Baltsky district, S. Miron was on fire one-storey private dwelling house. On arrival to a call place, rescuers had set fire to private houses open flame in the area of 20 sq. m.

Rescuers have localized the fire at 22:52 and she was eliminated at 23:40. During fire extinguishing discovered the body of the deceased boy’s 2011 settlement With the mother of the deceased child psychologists SSES.

The cause of the fire, of death and damage is established.