The Finnish border guard startled suddenly appeared in the middle of the lake island Ghost

Border service of Lapland /

Finnish border guards carrying out patrols of the lake Inarijärvi in Lapland, near the border with Russia, was astonished to see the sudden in the middle of the ice-covered pond big island. This happened in the frost at -25°C, day and cloudless sky.

Actually had the rare optical phenomenon – a Mirage. It occurs in certain weather conditions and due to the refraction of light in a dramatically different density and temperature layers of air. At the same time people see along with really distant object (or a part of heaven) and its reflection in the atmosphere, explain this phenomenon by the scientists.

The guards shared a photo of the Mirage on his Twitter page:

Inarinjärvelläkin on joskus harvoin mahdollisuus nähdä kangastuksia. Papinsaaren edustalle on noussut uusi saari. Ivalon partio sai ilmiön ikuistettua kameralle kirkkaassa -25 C pakkassäässä. #ivalonraja #Inari

— Lapin rajavartiosto (@lapinraja) 23 Feb 2019

In recent years, witnesses are often removed mirages on video and share them on social networks. Such rollers are always secured close attention.

In may 2018 in a fog Chinese city of Qingdao for 2 hours it was observed a block of apartment buildings:

In October 2016, on the Upper lake in the U.S. state of Michigan had seen a giant object that could be mistaken for a Ghost ship:

In may 2014 in the canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador was captured hovering over an iceberg facility, which in addition, also rotated: