The Prosecutor said that during investigation will assess the actions of all individuals at the construction site during the state of emergency.
January 12 in Odessa on the site near the Dolphinarium “Nemo” /
In Odessa, the Prosecutor’s office appealed to court with the petition for suspension of hotel construction on the beach Langeron, where on 12 January due to falling construction crane worker was killed.
Read takhayal working at a construction site in Odessa, became known the details of the tragedy
As the correspondent of the UNIAN reports, about it today on a press-conferences were declared by the Chairman of the Odessa regional state administration Maxim Stepanov.
According to him, the incident is a non-admission of doctors of “ambulance” to the victim and obstructing the work of journalists is unacceptable and requires investigation.
“The Prosecutor’s office of Odessa region appealed to the court to suspend construction and seizure of land in the district of Lanzheron beach where construction and killed a worker, which after the trauma of the crane, the administration buildings are not made of physicians “ambulance”,” – said Stepanov.
According to him, the ambulance arrived at the emergency (to near the site of the Dolphinarium “Nemo”) was misinformed security guards who said that people were killed, and the body has been taken “private ambulance”. Actually, the work on which the crane fell, was at the scene.
In a press-service of Prosecutor’s office of Odessa region, UNIAN said that the investigation will assess the actions of all individuals at the construction site. Also continuing an investigation into cases of gross violation of labor laws and violation of safety rules during the execution of works with high risk.
As UNIAN reported earlier, on January 12 in Odessa on the site near the Dolphinarium “Nemo” in the fall of a construction crane worker was killed.
After learning about the incident, in the evening, the construction site was attended by representatives of various public organizations. Arrived at the spot, the police and the private security Agency who was pushed from a platform of journalists and activists. The guards fired several shots into the air. Law enforcement officers at the shooting did not react.
Activists claimed that a worker was killed earlier in the day, but any action to attempt his rescue were not made, and state “ambulance” on the object is not allowed. The body was taken late in the evening. The next day it became known that the deaths of a man and shooting open criminal proceedings.
As you know, in Odessa, have repeatedly held protests due to the construction of high-rise buildings near the Dolphinarium “Nemo”.