KHARKOV-KIEV. May 3. UNN. Today at 14:00 in the Kiev district court of Kharkov held the hearing, which will elect a measure of restraint to the driver of the Toyota Land Cruiser involved in the accident, which killed autoblogger Amigos, reports UNN.
The driver of the Toyota Land Cruiser was detained at the scene of an accident, he long refused to pass alcohol test, and when passed the medical examination found his blood alcohol. In social networks there was information that the driver of the Toyota is a member of the security forces, but the Prosecutor denied this information.
“Out of control staffing GUNP in Kharkiv region received official information that the driver of the Toyota, a suspect in the Commission of a fatal accident, never worked in bodies of internal Affairs or the police region” – told UNN , the press Secretary of the Prosecutor of Kharkiv region Vita Dubovik.
The driver of the Toyota is charged with part 2 of article 286 (violation of traffic safety or transport operation by the persons operating vehicles) the criminal code of Ukraine. If the guilt of the driver will prove, to it threatens from 3 till 8 years of prison.
We will remind, on may 1, about 17:20 on the highway Kharkov-Volchansk an accident: collided with the SUV Toyota Land Cruiser and Chevrolet Corvette sports car, the last one literally broke in half. From the impact killed the driver – 23-summer Andrey Vasilenko, blogger and street racing, better known by nick amigo_s. His passenger, 22-year-old girl is in hospital, her condition is stable, life already threatens nothing.