The court for two months extended the arrest of Vyshinsky

Kirill Vyshinsky

KIEV. March 26. UNN. Editor-in-chief “RIA Novosti-Ukraine” Kirill Vyshinsky, who is accused of treason arrest extended by two months. About it the journalist of UNN was reported by the lawyer Vyshinsky Igor Mokin.

“Continued arrest until may 25”, – said the lawyer.

He added that on 4 April at 14.00 scheduled hearing for consideration of the merits.

Recall the case of Wyszynski gave before the joint chamber of the criminal court of Cassation of the Supreme Court.

As reported UNN, editor-in-chief “RIA Novosti-Ukraine” Wyszynski was transferred to Kiev prison.

Wyszynski, who is suspected of treason, was arrested in Kiev on 15 may 2018 as a result of the SBU searched the offices of the publication. He was charged with suspicion of high treason, qualified as regards 1 article 111 of the Criminal code of Ukraine.