The assets of the airport “Odessa” for UAH 2 billion was transferred to the control of ARMAPhoto:

The court granted the petition to the NEB, and SAP

10.04.18 25000

Solomensky district court of Kiev arrested and handed over management to the National Agency of Ukraine concerning detection, investigation and asset management (ARMA) real estate international airport “Odessa” and 75% of the shares of the company which owns it (LLC “Odessa international airport”).

About it reports a press-service of the National anticorruption Bureau of Ukraine.

It is noted that the court has satisfied the corresponding petition of NABOO detectives and prosecutors SAP.

In the management of ARMA transferred to the airport building (including two terminals) with a total area of over 65 thousand square meters.

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“The arrest of the property, the estimated cost of which, according to preliminary estimates, is about 2 billion UAH, will ensure the fulfillment of tasks of criminal proceedings and will form the basis for the return of property territorial community of Odessa”, – stated in the message.

Recall, the detectives NAB found that in 2011, contrary to the requirements of the law, took place on the alienation of municipal property of the international airport “Odessa” in favor of business entities. In the newly created “international airport “Odessa” local community received a share equal to 25% of the shares, and the remaining 75% of the shares ceded to private owners.

The investigation of these facts, the detectives NAB carried out from June 2016.