Thailand was the first country in South-East Asia have legalized medical marijuana

KIEV. 25 Dec. UNN. The Parliament of Thailand passed a law authorizing the manufacture, use and possession of marijuana for medical purposes. It is reported by UNN citing local newspaper the Bangkok Post.

The document will come into force after the formal signing of the king of the country.

Thailand became the first country in Southeast Asia to legalize the medical use of cannabis. The use and sale of marijuana for recreational purposes in all countries of the region are still prohibited and punishable by very long prison terms.

Medical marijuana is legal in about half a dozen countries around the world. The sale of cannabis for recreational purposes at the Federal level is only allowed in Uruguay and in Canada.

As a reminder, the Federal law on the legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes came into effect on Wednesday, October 17, in Canada. Thus, Canada will be the first among the group of seven (G7) and the world’s second country after Uruguay (legalized in 2013), which translated this gateway drug in the legal field, allowing its sale, possession and cultivation.