Once on-Board chemical laboratory Curiosity Rover details investigated the composition of Martian soil-regolith, scientists on Earth found him the closest analogue. They found volcanic rock from Hawaii is now among biologists and chemists is plenty of material for research. And they managed to surpass the success of the hero of the film “the Martian”.

Crushed volcanic rock became the simulator of the Martian soil where they began to add various types of organics, with the aim to obtain an analogue of fertile land. The best result was shown by the combination of the slurry of swine manure and freshly cut grass. While scientists have successfully grown in this simulator the salad, but they say that the Martian potatoes will not be.

The most interesting that in fertilized simulator of the Martian soil is perfectly caught the terrestrial earthworms. They key to agriculture, these invertebrates utilize dead organic matter and produce nitrogen and phosphorus based fertilizers. Plus mix the soil in their movements that it increases the humidity and saturation of air.

In the presence of live worms can be restricted to a slurry of feces and water to the Martian regolith becomes a distant likeness of topsoil. The real triumph, scientists experienced when the end of the experiment found in the simulator two young hearts. If life itself has begun to play in such conditions, the agriculture of the red planet great prospects!

Source — Wageningen University & Research