In the suicide note Hruskova apologized to her own daughter and admitted that he could not suffer more because of their quarrels, but colleagues and friends of women in the cause of suicide does not believe.
In September, Julia Hruskova married and made repairs / Julia Hruskova/Facebook

In Kharkov on December 11 at the office on the street Sumy were found hanged a successful 46-year-old notary Yulia Hruskova. Now investigators are trying to figure out whether her death was suicide, or is still murder.

This is stated in the story TSN.

“On December 11, police received a report that in one of the offices on the Sumskaya street found a woman’s body. The assistant came to work that morning and saw his employer hanged,” said the press officer of the Shevchenkovsky police Department Irina Musienko.

It immediately brought in eRDR under article “Premeditated murder”, but marked “suicide.”

“The body was sent to morgue for autopsy – forensic medical examination. The results will be immediately directed to the police Department to ensure that we understood what was the cause of death,” – said Musienko.

Note the “suicide” – in 90% of cases, determines further investigation, but the life of Julia Gruzovoy raises grave questions, moreover, her colleagues don’t believe in suicide.

The police already have several versions that could cause the death of a successful woman-a notary with 20 years of experience.

See also Kiev, the mother hanged herself in the presence of a small child

“The main suicide. If a forensic examination will reveal that the woman died because she hung herself and possibly her hit – covers all versions. Even set whether threats to the woman that could lead, but have a death. The contents of the suicide note is not connected with professional activity”, – reported in the Kiev police Department.

According to the information that sources have confirmed to TSN, in the suicide note Hruskova apologized to her own daughter and admitted that he could not suffer more because of their quarrels and the inability for her to communicate. But colleagues and friends of the woman in this version you do not believe because of the limitations of the conflict of a notary’s daughter.

“Certainly there are very serious doubts that this kind of person was going to kill himself. And even in the workplace. To assume that a beautiful woman who all his life followed each other, played sports, ran marathons, won’t look good in the loop – for me it is very doubtful this decision. If it’s really her decision to take her own life,” – said the friend Gruzovoy Anna Cohan, who is also a notary.

On the atypical of the method chosen by the woman to escape from life stresses and psychologist with 20 years of experience, Elena Niewodnica.

“Hanging is more common for men because it requires some training. Women tend to drink pills to go to sleep to not feel pain, never to Wake up. The woman thinks how she will look. You know, women tend to even clean the house”, says the psychologist.

It is noted that in September of this year, Julia Hruskova married, and in social networks wrote that “love”. Besides, the woman made repairs in his own apartment in the center of Kharkov and have been popular in his work so that he had several assistants and a huge private office in the center of the city.

“If the person is recently quite often appeared on the Department of Commerce and was interested in the questions and paperwork, and at the end of the report – the final summer. Well, that is nowhere close and didn’t sound any notes, even pessimism was not. All events indicate that not just to finish the year, and to plan, as I understand it, quite successfully and for a long time next,” – said the President of the Notary chamber of Ukraine Volodymyr Marchenko.

See also Russia, the grandmother, mother and daughter committed a triple suicide

That is why there is another version of the death of Julia Gruzovoy – unsolved murder. Hruskova this year married for the second time. First husband of Julia – lawyer Alexander Gruzkov shot at night in the center of Kharkov in January 2015.

As an advocate he was involved in more than a decade, he led several high-profile cases, in particular related to the protection of the mayor. Prior to this, the man worked in the police, where he was fired for alleged suspicion of extortion and possession of ammunition. But in court it’s not proven. He is credited with the patronage of businessman Vitaliy Danilov and the ex-the Prosecutor of the region Vasily Senchuk, with whom Gruzkov studied together in school, and some sources say that the lawyer in recent years was in business – and the murder could be related to this. So, the source of the money that the lawyer allegedly owed to influential people who could begin to demand them from the wife.

“Drawing Parallels, if her first husband was shot and literally over a period of time find her in the office at your workplace hanged, the conclusion to work more focused, more deeply law enforcement agencies,” said Anna Kohan.

Suicide or murder: in Kharkov mysteriously gone from the life of 46-year-old notary