Shooting in Kharkov: the police are investigating on two counts

KIEV. 7 Dec. UNN. In fact the use of firearms by police protection in a supermarket in Kharkiv, killing a man, has opened two criminal proceedings. This was announced by the Director of the Poltava territorial Department of the State Bureau of investigation Vladimir Tymoshko, reports UNN with reference to the press service of the GBR.

So, the investigators are investigating the legality of the use of weapons by an officer of the guard, in which killed people.

“Criminal proceedings opened under article “premeditated murder” and “excess of authority or official powers that caused grave consequences” (part 1 of article 115 and section 3 of article 365 of the Criminal code of Ukraine)”, – stated in the message.

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Previously, in Kharkov on 5 December at about 21:50, the police protection during service detained the citizen of Ukraine for the theft of property from the supermarket. In the course of establishing the circumstances of the buyer pulled out a knife and stabbed an employee of the police protection several stab wounds, and then tried to flee the scene. Law enforcement has used government-issue firearms.

Data on assault on a police officer was brought in eRDR by the police. Information about the death of a person as a result of the use of weapons by a police officer brought in eRDR the Prosecutor’s office Kharkiv region.

As specified in the Department of communication of the regional police Department, the investigator brought in ERDR information under article 348 (attempt on the life of the employee of law enforcement body, the member of public formation on protection of a public order and state border or a serviceman) of the criminal code of Ukraine

Recall that in one of supermarkets of Kharkov buyer stabbed an employee, police protection, and the latter shot the man from his service weapon. Both were taken to hospital, where later, the buyer died.