The homeland of kefir is considered the “neighborhood of mount Elbrus”, the word – Caucasian origin, and the invention of the drink is disputed between the peoples of Karachay-Cherkessia and Balkars

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French researchers examined the Association between deaths from coronavirus and nutrition and came to the conclusion that diet, along with other factors, may play a role in the spread COVID-19 and seriousness of the disease

Surabky / DepositPhotos

French researchers examined the Association between deaths from coronavirus and nutrition and came to the conclusion that diet, along with other factors, may play a role in the spread COVID-19 and seriousness of the disease.

The results of a study conducted by a team of 25 people under the guidance of Professor of pulmonary medicine at the Montpellier University Jean Bousquet, was published in the journal Clinical and Transnational Allergy.

Experts have noticed that in the first months of the pandemic in Germany, Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, the Baltic States and German-speaking Swiss cantons showed a lower mortality rate from coronavirus than France, Italy, Spain and French – and Italyanskaya the cantons of Switzerland.

Among the reasons for more favorable statistics in Germany was previously known and extensive testing of the population. However, other countries, which also had fewer deaths from COVID-19, as early tests are not carried out and quarantine was everywhere different as to timing and type of restrictions.

In addition, low mortality rates were observed in Bulgaria, Greece, Romania and Turkey. Scientists think that this may be due to dietary habits in these countries there is a widespread consumption of fresh and sour cabbage and sour-milk drinks – kefir and yogurt.

Scientists have found that these products can reduce the activity of the enzyme ACE2 used by the coronavirus to penetrate into the cells. “I changed my diet. Now I eat raw cabbage three times a week and drink kefir for Breakfast,” said Professor Busk, quoted by Turkish newspaper Sabah.

Scientist noted that differences in diet between low and high incidence of SARS-CoV-2 has received little attention, however, this can be very useful. However, at the beginning of a pandemic, experts have established at least one strong link between dietary habits and coronavirus: at risk are people with obesity. And such a bad habit, like overeating, weakens the immune system, that the coronavirus is threatening complications and even death. Night overeating, frequent consumption of carbonated beverages, fast food, alcohol, – all this, coupled with a sedentary lifestyle has a negative impact on the body.

The history of yogurt and its benefits

The homeland of kefir is considered the “neighborhood of mount Elbrus”, the word – Caucasian origin, and the invention of the drink is disputed between the peoples of Karachay-Cherkessia and Balkars. In ancient times they were called “millet of the Prophet”, because, according to legend, kefir grains peoples of the North Caucasus gave the prophet Muhammad.

Medicine explores the impact of dairy products on the body since the late 19th century. Nobel prize winner Ilya Mechnikov until the end of life advocated not only the consumption of fermented milk products, but also a living culture of microorganisms – probiotics. The progenitor for the production of yogurt in Russia is considered a dairy technologist Irina Sakharova. In the early 20th century she came to the North Caucasus to get kefir grains, which local residents share in no hurry.

According to legend, Prince Bek-Mirza Mayak, which supplied milk to the firm Blandula where Sakharov worked, fell in love with a woman and kidnapped her, which then appeared before the court. Sakharov allegedly in exchange for forgiveness of asked him 10 pounds of kefir grains. According to another version, which is supported by surviving letters Sakharova, Mayak did not kidnap her, and gave her a fungi free of charge.

In yogurt contains a lot of vitamins C, A, PP, D and b vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12) choline and beta-carotene as well as phosphorus, potassium, calcium, zinc, chromium. These components have beneficial effect on the nervous system, intelligence. Kefir normalizes the acid balance in the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthens the immune system, it can be consumed even people with lactose intolerance. When eating yogurt in the human digestive system decreases activity of harmful bacteria. However, in gastritis, acidity, peptic ulcer disease, poisoning or gastrointestinal infections the yogurt drink should not be.