SBU published evidence of Russia’s use of the structures of the UOC-MP in a hybrid war

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KIEV. 10 Dec. UNN. Russia in hybrid war using religious structures of the Moscow Patriarchate. This is stated in the press service of the SBU, reports UNN.

“Within the framework of continuing public awareness about the forms and methods of Russian aggression, the security Service of Ukraine is a series of special informational booklets. The first two issues devoted to the terrorist activities of Russian special services in Ukraine and Russia’s use of hybrid warfare in the religious structures of the Moscow Patriarchy”, – stated in the message.

See ALSO: “the Peacemaker” made in database of priests of the UOC-MP

According to the press service, booklets, issued in Ukrainian and English languages, contain special QR codes, which allow direct access to the compiled information about the relevant facts of the Russian criminal activities and exposed the security service of Ukraine and public activists collected.

As reported UNN, last week the security service of Ukraine in Rivne region interviewed about two dozen priests and Sarny, Rivne diocese of the UOC-MP in the framework of criminal proceedings opened on the fact of treason and incitement to religious hatred.