KIEV. 18 APR. UNN. The people’s Deputy of Ukraine Hope Savchenko said that any physical force to fence it biomaterials be considered torture, and disagree with the court’s decision. She stated this during the trial to permit sampling of biomaterials, reports UNN.

“I consider and will consider any individual application to me, taking something physically from me, parts of my body, I will take the torture and I’ll okazat resistance. I try to touch, will regard it as physical torture, just write a statement. Will the court’s decision, I will consider it unjust, illegal, violate human rights, ” – said Savchenko.

Savchenko also said that the investigation is already enough of biomaterials, in particular, according to her, during the searches were seized cigarette butts from cigarettes that she smoked.

Now the court retired to the jury room, consideration adjourned.

As reported UNN, the people’s Deputy Hope Savchenko delivered to the Shevchenko district court of Kyiv for permission for sampling of biological samples.