Hope Savchenko

The people’s Deputy Nadezhda Savchenko denies that wanted to scare the government, but argues that the testimony of officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine against it distorted. She stated at the meeting of the procedural Committee of the Parliament, the correspondent of LIGA.net.

Savchenko said that he was not going to organize a coup, but simply wanted to scare the authorities.

“I wanted to scare you. I wanted to stir up the Ukraine and to show something that you once planned – you can plan against you,” she said. Savchenko confirmed that went on the temporarily uncontrolled territory of Donbass.

According to her, weapons were exported not only to “it’s not torn, but in order to see if the arms trade and how it is delivered”.

“The weapon was exported in order to pass the shelf,” – said Savchenko.

“The facts of crossing the border, which will be shown in the video is true. I had to take clothing to our prisoners…I went, just masked, I just went through the checkpoints, where you want…I just missed. How many times I go there (IDLO, – ed.) went once-you’ll never know”, – said the Deputy.

She stated that the testimony of officers twisted against her as they went to deal with the investigation after pressure. “I deal with the consequence of not going,” – said Savchenko.

March 22, 2018, the Prosecutor General Yuri Lutsenko said that there is information about the recruitment of Ukrainian military by Savchenko to commit terrorist acts in the center of Kiev, as well as audio and video recordings of these conversations.

Read also: topic of the day. From the hero to the enemy: what GPU has accused Savchenko

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