The Chairman of the Duma Committee for education and science Boris Chernyshov took the initiative on the establishment of a program “September festive mood had embraced the capital.” The appeal to the Vice-Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova is available RT.

  • © Alexander Kryazhev
  • RIA Novosti

According to the legislator, even the minimum facilities required for school (stationery, clothes, shoes), is quite expensive.

Parents are forced to increase spending to collect the child in school to the detriment of other expenses on the family, said the Deputy.

“Last year the approximate cost of a set student, calculated as an arithmetic average value of baskets of goods for girls and boys, amounted to approximately 11.4 thousand rubles. Not every family, especially in the regions can afford to spend such amount, without prejudice to the budget”, — stated in the text of the appeal.

In this regard, it is proposed to introduce a program, “September festive mood had embraced capital”, in which parents will allocate additional money to cover the costs of collecting child to school.

A specific amount of financial support is not specified.

Blackburn also proposes to limit the cost of the so-called school of the basket, which should not exceed 25% of the salary of the parents. Other costs should take the state, said the Deputy.

Earlier in the Ministry of health made recommendations for preparing children for first grade.