Lviv, Odessa and Kiev are the three popular destinations in Ukraine to celebrate the New year.
New year in Lviv is no exaggeration fabulously beautiful / photo UNIAN

Hotel rooms and apartments for winter holidays in Lviv, Odessa and Kiev started to book in September. Show program – for every taste and budget.

Reporters learned, is there still room and how much it will cost to spend new year’s eve in these cities, – it is spoken in TSN plot.

New year in Lviv is, without exaggeration, is fabulous, but some places are fantastically expensive. Housing prices are staggering – 7-10 thousand hryvnias only one new year’s eve. Experienced tourists are advised to book hotel or apartment well, at least in September, but if you just now decided to meet 2019, in Lviv on the street will not.

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On the booking site still offers. Accommodation in hotels – from 2,5 to 6 thousand UAH, apartments from 3 to 13 and even got some free seats in hostels – from three hundred for bed. New year’s eve at the clubs only entry you have to pay from four to eight hundred hryvnia. The table and menu have to pay separately not enough. In restaurants, prices start from thousands.

For a theme party, for example, the casino will have to pay 3 thousand. And 5 – rock the party. The tables started to book from mid-October, but the tables are still there.

A real gem for the tourist who wants cheap and cheerful – Christmas fair. Here to drink something hot and hearty out of the possible 200 UAH. Restaurant without comfort, but with views of the tree-beautiful. She promised the concert folkgrupp and midnight – 3D mapping on the facade of the Opera house. And for lovers of active celebration in the Market square all the new year’s eve will run the rink under the open sky.

If you want to celebrate the New year by the sea – then you are in Odessa. It is becoming more popular for tourists that want to exchange the snow-capped mountains in the mild climate of the black sea coast.

About four thousand hryvnias is a three-day tour excursions. This is without the cost of living. To stay cheaper at the hostel — price from hundreds UAH per night. But the hotel overlooking the sea – for more than three thousand per day. In the city centre – will be a true celebration with concerts and fireworks.

However, the highlight of the new year celebrations in Odessa is the local cuisine. Restaurateurs promise that the new year’s tables are special generous.

To enjoy Odessa dishes and drinks an average of 600 UAH per person. With alcohol inclusive. Tables, by the way, not all booked yet. Well, traditionally all night in the clubs dancing.

But in Kiev – one of the main places of celebrations – St. Sophia square. Here the main tree of the country. It has placed a screen, through which guests of the area will be able to send each other greetings. Night accommodation in hotels – from December 31 to January 1 – starts from five hundred to twelve thousand UAH. But there are hostels – there are cheaper and still have a place. Hotels are preparing their programs. So the hem guests will be entertained from 8 PM to 5 am. If you want to see something spectacular – you are in the country Park “Kievan Rus”. Per adult will have to pay 395 UAH, for students – 150. The participants of the ATO, the admission is free. Offers a theatrical program. Games, dances, dancing, Christmas medieval disco.

Holiday costs: how much will the holiday on New year in Lviv, Odessa and Kiev