Hugh Mingarelli

The head of the EU delegation to Ukraine Hugh Mingarelli said that didn’t call idiots those who don’t notice carried out in Ukraine reforms. He stated this at the 14th investment conference organized by Dragon Capital investment company, the newspaper reports European true.

“I want to say that my quote about idiots who don’t see the reforms is not true. I did not say that. Most likely, my words were very loosely translated from the diplomatic language,” said Mingarelli.

The EU Ambassador has not challenged the assessment of the presence of success in carrying out reforms in Ukraine. “The fact that you should significantly accelerate. Reforms need to move faster to prove to young Ukrainians that they have a future in Ukraine”, – he added.

23 February 2018 Mingarelli said that those who said the lack of reforms in the country – is “or idiots, or people with a limited point of view.” At least the video of his speech the word “idiots” is heard clearly.

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