Protection extradited from Greece to France Russian Alexander winnick filed a cassation appeal against the decision of the court of Appeal of Paris to keep him in detention. This was stated by the lawyer winnik Timofey Musatov.

  • Reuters

“We filed a cassation appeal”, — TASS quoted a lawyer.

Earlier the French foreign Ministry said that the extradition of the Russian citizen from France to another country after the trial in Paris must be approved by the Greek authorities.

On February 17 court of Appeal of Paris left winnik in custody, dismissed the appeal of protection.

The Russian foreign Ministry said that it would continue to demand extradition of the Russian.

Alexander Vinnik were arrested in Greece to 2017 in the U.S., where he is accused of creation without license from the American authorities the exchange of cryptocurrencies, through which, according to the Washington, laundered billions of dollars.