Video surveillance of the mayor of Odessa, Trukhanov attacked the journalist of the BBCPhoto:

He tried to ask a question about the city head of elite real estate in London

24.04.18 482100

To the British journalist, the BBC’s Andy Verity was attacked by the guards of the mayor of Odessa Gennady Trukhanov.

This is the BBC.

The published video shows how a journalist tries to ask a question about Trukhanov recent publication of the air force about elite property in London, owned by companies of the mayor of Odessa.

First Trukhanov agreed to go and talk to a journalist. But then the guard of the mayor of Odessa begins to aggressively respond to Verity.

  • See ALSO: Appeals court upholds Trukhanova on the post of the mayor of Odessa

The footage shows how people knock the BBC journalist down. He later added that while he was hit in the groin

“The BBC investigation showed how organized gang secretly invested millions of pounds in the UK”, – said in the story of the air force.

Earlier, the BBC published an investigation, which States that in London, discovered eight properties purchased through an offshore Corporation Rubicon Group, a company which was under the control of the mayor of Odessa Gennady Trukhanov.