Police responded to faecal disorder in Odessa casino

KIEV. 3 Jan. UNN. The police of the Odessa region opened criminal proceedings upon hooligan actions in “Cosmolite”. This was reported to UNN in the press service of the police.

“Criminal proceedings were opened on 31 December 2018 under part 2 of article 296 – hooliganism. That’s the end of vandalism, which occurred the day before at a place called “Komolot” that operates in the Primorsky district of Odessa,” – said the police.

We will add that according to media reports, December 30 a group of people in balaclavas threw Odessa “Komolot” faeces.

At the same time, the police has not informed, whether openly criminal proceedings on the fact of operation of the gambling club “Komolot”.

On the website “Cosmolite” provided that they supposedly are the only online casinos in Ukraine and legally provide services to gambling on the Internet, using the license of the operator of state lotteries “Ukrainian national lottery”.

But at the same time, gambling is officially forbidden in Ukraine since 2009.

Recall that the fight against gambling under the guise of “Ukrainian national lottery” was initiated by Lviv mayor Andriy Sadovy.