Patriarch Bartholomew will present a rare copy of the Reims gospel

KIEV. 22 Dec. UNN. Ukraine will import the first printed copy of the facsimile edition “Reims gospel”, which will be presented to the Primate of the Constantinople Orthodox Church, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. This was stated by co-organizer of the project, Opera singer Victoria Lukyanets at a press conference in preparation for printing the first Ukrainian edition of the facsimile type “Reims gospel”, which took place on 21 December 2018 at the Metropolitan House in the National reserve “Sophia of Kyiv”, reports UNN , citing the press service of the Museum.

“The first printed copy of the facsimile edition ”Reims gospel“ will be awarded to the Primate of the Constantinople Orthodox Church, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew”, — stated in the message.

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The Ukrainian Embassy in France has paid the cost of photos on all pages “Reims gospel” and national reserve “Sophia of Kyiv” and publishing house “Sparrow” has received all necessary to start work.

“In order to return home this manuscript, the national reserve ”Sophia of Kyiv“, publishing house ”Gorobets“ and the municipality of the city of Reims was signed the trilateral agreement and started preparing the first complete edition of facsimile-type ”Reims gospel“ (that is, the Cyrillic and the Glagolitic part of the manuscript),” – said the press service of the reserve “Sophia of Kyiv“.

It is noted that until now in Ukraine there was not a single complete facsimile edition of “Reims gospel”. Ukrainian researchers now do not have adequate access to this valuable manuscript, because it is in the municipal library of the city of Reims in France. With the Cyrillic part of the “Reims gospel” associate the name Anne of Kiev — Queen of France and daughter of the great Kiev Prince Yaroslav the Wise.

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It is known that around 1050 Yaroslav the Wise’s daughter Anna married king of France Henry I of Capetinga, therefore, reasonably believe that she was the one who brought the gospel to their new home and gave it a Royal oath.

This tradition has survived in France for centuries, so the “Reims gospel”, which became the coronation, is a valuable relic of the French people. Of course, despite the lack of direct evidence for the transport Anna to France this manuscript (or rather, its Cyrillic part), which is now called “Reims gospel”, the study of the monument itself and the historical context proves that the version of the connection of this gospel with the name of Anna Yaroslavna on today most likely.

Earlier the management of “Sophia” has told about sensational discoveries during the restoration.

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The Ecumenical Patriarchate recognized the outcome of the Assembly and invited appointed Primate of Fanar on January 6, 2019 for the official presentation of the Tomos of autocephaly of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

November 10 St. Andrew’s Church was transferred to permanent use to the Ecumenical Patriarchate. At this point, now there is a representative office of the Ecumenical Patriarchate to establish constant communication.

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Reims gospel , a unique monument of Slavic writing. The gospel consists of two parts. First written in Cyrillic and is one of the oldest manuscripts in Eastern Europe; it was probably composed in the first half of the XI century in Kievan Rus. The second part is written in the Glagolitic script in the fourteenth century in Bohemia.

Anne of Kiev (1032-1089) — the daughter of the Prince of Kievan Rus Yaroslav the Wise, wife of the king of France Henry I of Capetinga. In the modern Ukrainian traditions included in the list of the most famous women of ancient and modern Ukraine.

St. Andrew’s Church in Kiev — the Orthodox Church in honour of St. Andrew, built in 1754 by the architect Bartolomeo Rastrelli. To 10 November 2018 – operating temple of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church.