Odessa thief slept on the love of pastaPhoto: Simple recipes

And almost burned someone else’s apartment

13.12.18 156000

The robber entered the apartment in Teplodar of Odessa region, where he was detained by militiamen.

However, he was caught by his own stupidity. According to Netpolice, he was going to work exclusively with a grinding machine. But, apparently, hungry.

  • See ALSO: stop thief. As the correspondent of Focus tested the work of the Ukrainian police

Started to cook the pasta and set fire to a towel. The smoke went. Neighbors called to operational service.

The culprit was repeatedly convicted of theft 48-year-old man. His act he explained the lack of work and money.

We will remind, near Kiev Turkish citizens have been robbed by criminals wearing masks of Putin. Threatening with a pistol, malefactors have put people on the ground and was stolen from the car of 20 thousand dollars, then fled in an unknown direction.