Odessa police seized from a drug dealer psychotropic “salt” on 1 million UAH

Source: Office of national police in the Odessa region

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KIEV. March 16. UNN. In Odessa police seized from a drug dealer psychotropic substance “Sol” for the sum more than one million hryvnias. 30-year-old resident of Zaporozhye region was distributing illegal means by “bookmarks” in the Primorsky district of the city. It is reported by UNN with reference to the state of emergency in Odessa region.

Employees of Department of counteraction of narcocrime GUNP in the Odessa region during carrying out operatively-search actions exposed the man when he directly put “product” in places where in the future it was supposed to pick up buyers.

When conducting a surface inspection, the police found the attacker more than a kilogram of a partially packaged psychotropic substances of chemical origin and a few dozen grams of marijuana. Withdrawn sent for examination. At the prices “black market” approximate cost “salt” – more than one million hryvnias.

According to the offender, the party drug he had brought from Zaporizhia region for sales in Odessa.

On this fact began criminal proceedings on preliminary legal qualification of part 1 of article 309 of the Criminal code of Ukraine. After receiving the results of examination will decide about the change of qualification on part 3 of article 307 of the criminal code.

The investigation is continuing.

Recall that in Transcarpathia declared suspicion to the foreigner, who was detained while attempting to smuggle over 30 kg of heroin .