So in the morning, at the Consulate General of Russia in Odessa held a protest.
Participants of the rally in support of Ukrainian sailors / photo by UNIAN

About 200 citizens of Odessa came today to the walls of the headquarters of the naval forces of Ukraine, to Express support captured by the Russians sailors. The rally was held peacefully.

“We came here to support our sailors. Russia continues to violate all international norms and laws, — said the participant of Valentine Schultz. — Our soldiers and sailors protect us on the battlefield, and mission to the PACE consistently defends the interests of our country in the international arena. Odessa — the people of peace, but we know how to shoot and give ammunition,” says Duma.

See also Kharkov Russian Consulate threw flares and staged on site fire (photos, video)

To protesters there was a Deputy commander of the naval forces of Ukraine Andrei Ursul. On behalf of the fleet he promised to continue to perform tasks on protecting borders of the country. Any details of what is happening with captive seamen, he could not tell us, citing the secrecy.

At the end of the rally, the citizens have drawn opposite the entrance to the headquarters of a huge heart in the national colors.

Just as UNIAN reported earlier, in Odessa, held a protest at the Consulate General of Russia.Odessa demanded to close the institution and send his workers from Ukraine. On the fence of the Consulate hung Ukrainian flag and stickers with the state logo.

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