The team of Oleg Oskina without any problems defeated Kharkiv Polytechnic.
The citizens have beaten Kharkovites in the first semifinal of the Ukrainian Cup /

In the river’s first semifinal match of the Final four of the Cup of Ukraine on basketball, in which Odessa was opposed by the Kharkiv Polytechnic University and Odessa were dominated almost from the opening minute and never once given reason to doubt his victory.

The game ended with the score 89:73, the official website of the competition.

Immediately after the opening faceoff, both teams were given to understand that are set up only to win. In less than fifteen minutes after the start of the match for two teams performed six free throws after two fouls fouls when you run attempted. In General, the teams started the game evenly and take turns going out to the leaders meeting. In the middle of the first period the score was 9:9 after accurate far from Davis. But towards the end of the quarter, the problems started the team of Vladimir Koval.

The main scorer of the team Telcon Cromer got three fouls at once in the beginning of the meeting. Well, in Odessa at the end of the period was played legionaries: after far from Macy’s and Pier difference before the second quarter totaled 8 points – 15:23.

At the start of the second period, the aforementioned Cromer earned fourth foul and sat on the bench than Odessa citizens began to actively use it. The more that your throw found Martin, who at the end of the first half converted three of three shots from the perimeter. The difference in the score increased on the eyes and only in the end of the period, the Kharkovites were able to stabilize his game, but to catch failed – 31:50.

At the start of the second half of the match, the team of Vladimir Koval there was nothing to lose and the coach decided to throw the game your leader Algona Cromer. But the benefits of this, unfortunately, was minimal. Odessans continued to dominate thanks to a good percentage of shots from the perimeter. In the third period did a good job the young Ernesto Tkachuk, who hit nearly two three-pointers in a row and once again knocked out opponents.

In the last period Kharkiv again tried to organize a breakthrough, that they finally succeeded, but the difference was too great, and time was too little. 73:89 – Odessa in the Final.

The Cup Of Ukraine. The final four

The semi-finals

BK Politekhnik – Bq “Odessa” – 73:89 (15:23, 16:27, 12:22, 30:17 )

P: Graham – 20оч, 10пб; Davis 18оч; Cromer – 11оч.

In: Martin – 20оч; – Windbags 18оч;Chalakov – 13оч, 7пб.