

Now in Munich is a famous social activist Oleg Mikhailik, which the German doctors made a difficult operation to remove a bullet lodged near the heart. This bullet, which literally avoided the whole Ukrainian law enforcement system, may be important evidence that helps to establish the organizers of the regular attacks on Ukrainian social activists. In an interview with UNIAN Odessa spoke about the nuances associated with the procedure of its withdrawal, and shared the assumption about the cause of the attempt on his life

Odessa activist Oleg Mikhailik / photo UNIAN

The leader of the Odessa city organization of the party “people’s Force” Oleg Mikhailik was shot in Odessa last September. The suspect in the attempt on the life of a famous public man, were detained three citizens of Georgia were, according to law enforcement officers near the scene of the crime. Exhibit a in the case – released the killer bullet “stuck” in the body of the activist. The German government has agreed to organize and Finance a difficult surgical operation, as well as examination of the material evidence. The correspondent of the UNIAN was able to communicate with Mikhailik, which is still in Munich.

How do you feel?

The operation was much more complicated than was originally assumed the Odessa physicians and their German colleagues. The bullet lodged deep in lung tissue and were covered with aorta, which is the result of a shot exploded, leading to large blood loss and clinical death. Instead of the planned 2-hour laparoscopic (with minimal incisions) intervention, conducted a 5-hour surgery. My stay at the clinic was planned from three to five days, but it turned out nearly ten.

The doctors had to cut open my chest and remove part of the lung with a bullet, the seam turned out pretty great… have to Admit, while I feel slightly worse than before the surgery. Breathing still a bit heavy – a bit suffocating. The doctors say that everything is going according to plan for recovery takes time.

Do forecasts of German experts?

23 January planned examination in a clinic. If my condition will allow – will remove the stitches. Maybe then the doctors will let me go finally… there is Also an agreement to consult neurologists about poorly functioning hands.

What is the problem with the hands?

Can’t really hold even a pen, fasten buttons, tie shoelaces and make a fist. German doctors believe that the reason is in clinical death, during which around 5-6 vertebrae damaged nerve responsible for the function of the hands and specifically brushes. This happens in conditions of insufficient blood supply.

To get out of the body of the activist Mikhailik shot, German doctors had to remove part of the lung / photo UNIAN

But there is hope for recovery?

Of course. Already much better now compared to what it was before. Doctors say the recovery process is very long and can take anywhere from six months to two years.

You said that you survived as well due to the fact that a lot in sports…

Always tried to keep fit, and attempt a few months three times a week doing karate club martial arts. Really want to get back to practice, but, alas, it is impossible.

Do I have to have surgery right now?

It is difficult to answer this question. Initially, the bullet was very close to my heart and there were fears that in the process of healing the piece of metal will move and kill me. Thereafter, it moved in the opposite direction, at a safer distance. For several months the wound healed quite well and, in principle, the danger of life right now was not. X-rays showed that the bullet was decapsulates and motionless. Of course, it should be removed, but no specific medical advice, when to do it. Of course, not the last role was played by the fact that this is an important piece of evidence.

What do you know about his fate?

The bullet now (as of the evening of 22 January – the UNIAN) is located in Munich. The local police told me about forwarding it to the Prosecutor to “preserve evidence”. Due to the fact that she learned along with a piece of lightweight, nobody has seen her, including German surgeons and police officers. Not known weight, no description. There is only a photo of part of the lung that is similar to the cue ball (laughs – ED). In this form it and shall transfer to the CSU.

Apparently, expertise in Germany – a big question…

For this procedure it is necessary that the German Prosecutor’s office received a special order of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine. From my side, I officially applied to the Munich law enforcement officers with the request to transfer the bullet for examination in Germany, at least to make a detailed description, and the maximum photographing the evidence…

Moreover, the documents to save the bullets as evidence came from the national police, when it is almost removed. Me to the ward were visited by representatives of the local criminal police. They could not understand why the documents are still not ready. As far as I know, the national police of Ukraine at the last moment appealed through the channels of Interpol to the German colleagues with a request for preservation of important material evidence of a criminal offence. So a bullet was possible after the extraction to keep. A letter from the Prosecutor General’s office came only at the end of last week and, as I explained, it says nothing about the order on the ballistic studies at the Munich Institute of criminal expertise.

Why do you think?

Maybe Ukraine is not very interested in the investigation Judge, the case of the attempt on my life from the regional Central Directorate of national police handed over to the Central investigation Department in Kiev in late December last year. And only then by order of specialists in Odessa, conducted an investigative experiment with the definition of the possible locations of the shooter. And I had to do it as soon as I was discharged from the hospital. Add the procedure the head of the Prosecutor General appointed only in early January…

Based on all of this, of course, can assume that the ballistic examination in Germany will be held. Then, after the registration of the relevant documents, the bullet passed to the Ukrainian side. But in the same form (in the lung tissue – the UNIAN), and in this great danger. As I said, it is never seen again, which creates conditions for certain manipulations of a separate Ukrainian law enforcers. So I hope that evidence will investigate and describe the same in Germany.

Is there any support from the Ukrainian diplomats in Munich?

Unfortunately, they did not participate in the negotiations with the German police. In any form does not manifest itself formally, surprising that representatives of the local criminal police, which asked the question: “Why the presence of the Ukrainian Consulate in Munich, no one involved in this process?”.

Mikhailik said that the recovery process may take from six months to two years / photo UNIAN

In Odessa the police voiced several versions of the assassination, including related to the construction of the residential complex “Gold coast” market “Success” and protests against the construction Boom… Which one is considered the most real?

They specially made the vague statement that it may be related to construction Kislovsky (city Council member from the faction of “Trust business” Andrey Kislovsky is one of the developers of a new hotel he owns near the Dolphinarium Langeron – the UNIAN) or conflict in the market “Success”. But in reality I’m nothing to do had. The attempt may be associated with the opposition to scammers who took people’s apartments. In particular, when the unfinished building of the residential complex “Gold coast” and other objects. The scheme involved shell companies, or otherwise associated with the city power. We have repeatedly held protests. Required to hold an open tender to select a company that could complete the construction. And there were at least two to Kiev and Odessa who agreed to do it. Inadvertently, I publicly announced the name of one of them. After a short time her supervisor called and told not to interfere, as they have a “everything is resolved”. Despite lawsuits, protests and the lack of proper documents, members of the city Council “break through the knee” and the session took “the right decision”. Selected power cooperative for more than 3 years on this site, but housing is still not completed…

As one version was called your public activity as such…

And it is not excluded. I was shot just two days after the press conference at which representatives of five political parties, including me, demanded the resignation of the leadership of the regional police and Prosecutor’s office. The statement was sent to the Verkhovna Rada, Ministry of internal Affairs and the Prosecutor General.

You’ve stated that they intend to stand in mayors of Odessa. Have you changed your plans?

Before the local elections still about a year and a half. So talking about it before, but my plans haven’t changed.

If the healing process goes according to plan, when I get back to Odessa?

Do not want to think. Doctors have expressed fears over flights associated with changes in pressure. But I hope that the maximum in the middle of next week I’ll be home…

Larisa Kosova