Russian business tightly grips the Odessa and neighboring cities, thus gaining influence both on politicians and on people.

About this in his blog said the people’s Deputy Moustapha Nayem, transfers

Earlier in the USA has told about plans of Russia to capture Odessa.

So, the MP says that the largest properties in
The city of Odessa and the County owned or controlled by Pro-Russian criminal
the group, which leads to a partial annexation of the city.

He also says that the mayor of Odessa, Trukhanov covers data
criminal groups, however, have Russian citizenship.

The MP says that the military airfield in the city is not subject to
the Ukrainian government and Ukrainian military and fully supervised by the
the criminal group.

Nye said that for a year and a half attacks and
assassinations have been more than a dozen Odessa activists, including
Svetlana Podpaly, Alina Radchenko, Vitaly Ustimenko Oleg Mikhailik Sergey
Sternenko, Michael Kuzakon, Grig Cozma and others. they All took
active participation in the Odessa Euromaidan and resisted the emergence of another
one of the separatist Republic.

According to him, Odessa unofficially controls the Vladimir

We will remind, the former commander of the US army in Europe
U.S. Lieutenant General Ben Hodges said that the next target of Russia
will be Odessa.

March 11, a Specialized anti-corruption Prosecutor’s office
announced suspected the mayor of Odessa Gennady Trukhanov.