So far there are a lot of ultrasonic devices for repelling insects, but many users often complain of their inefficiency. Bracelet Nopixgo performs the same function, but with the help of electromagnetic waves.

Found that insects and in particular mosquitoes are very sensitive to the approach of bad weather. According to the developer of the gadget Kurt Stoll, weak waves emitted by the bracelet mimic the atmospheric electrical discharges that occur with the approaching storm that repels mosquitoes from the radiation source.

Since the emitted Nopixgo signals are very weak – one hundredth of a cell phone signal — they are absolutely safe for the user. However, this is enough to create a “security zone” against mosquitoes in a radius of two meters. Further modernization will allow to increase this indicator, and generate special kinds of waves that are effective against multiple species of mosquitoes.

Nopixgo made of plastic leather with water-resistant coating. One-hour battery charge lasts a week of work. When the battery runs out of power, built-in led indicator starts to flash red light.

The gadget can be found on Kickstarter and even pre-order by making a Deposit of 70 dollars. If the company promotion will be successful, selling Nopixgo can begin in October.

Source — Kickstarter