New Ukrainian. Not a good life in our national team there were the Brazilian Junior Moraes from

On the days the national team of Ukraine received reinforcements in the person of Brazilian striker “Shakhtar” Junior Moraes, who became the holder of the passport with the Trident. However, the decision of Andriy Shevchenko to invite this player to the national team not everyone liked it. In the “pros” and “cons” of the invitation of the Brazilian national team tried to figure out the Trick

Andrew Tarasuk – 20.03.19 38300

Practice the change of sport nationality appeared not yesterday and not even the day before. In the 60-ies of the last century for Spain was made by legendary Hungarian Ferenc puskás and no less than the legendary Argentine Alfredo Di Stefano, to which “treason” were leaders of their national teams. And even in our time, the Spaniards, whose production is of high quality football players put on stream, do not stop to engage the services of players from abroad. For example, in the current Spain one of the leaders is forward of Madrid “Atletico” Diego Costa, who was born and raised in Brazil. A few years ago in the Italian team ran a midfielder Mauro Camoranesi. He so-called “oriundi” – a descendant of Italian immigrants who moved once to Argentina. This circumstance greatly facilitated the procedure of obtaining Italian passports for Camoranesi, that gave him the opportunity to play for the national team the historic homeland of his ancestors.

Some countries even packs naturalize foreign players in the name of strengthening the national team. A few years ago, Qatar has provided my passport half a dozen of Brazilians with their goal to play for his national team. Even had to intervene by FIFA, which saw this as a dangerous precedent. They say, naturalization of a player is not forbidden, but the measure is also necessary to know. By the way, Brazilians were and remain the most popular players in the teams of different countries. So historically, good players in this country so that they are more than enough for several national teams. Many, desperate to break into the Brazil team, changed sports citizenship to get the opportunity to play at the world Cup.

Junior Moraes called in our team to strengthen game in attack

The national team of Ukraine, following the trends of the world football fashion was also repeatedly resorted to the services of foreign players. A pioneer was born in Tyumen Russian Viktor Leonenko, who in 1992 moved from Moscow “Dynamo” in Kyiv, became the owner of Ukrainian passports, and for many years stood for “yellow-blue”. Subsequently, another seven Russian players in different years played for our team. Who longer, as Olexandr Aliyev (26 games) and Yuriy Kalitvintsev (22), and who less, for example, Olexiy Bakharev, Shakhtar played for the main team only one match. Before the world Cup 2006, Ukrainian Federation has corrected the passport with the Trident for the talented striker from Belarus Artem Milevskyi, who is still very young to engage Kiev “Dynamo”. He is by far the record holder in number of appearances (at Mile fifty the asset) among naturalized players ever try on the form of the national team of Ukraine.

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In 2008, the national team of Ukraine there was the first football player from abroad is a forward from Serbia Marko Devic (35 games), the speakers in Ukraine “Volyn” – “Metalist” and “Shakhtar”. And then came the era of Brazilians. In 2011 he received the Ukrainian passport and became an advocate for the “yellow-blue” leader Kharkov “Metalist” Edmar (15 games). His example in 2017 followed by Marlos, who also played at Metalist, and then became one of the leaders of the Donetsk “Shakhtar”. Pretty quickly Marlos has become one of the key players of the national team of Ukraine, which, gritting his teeth, were forced to even acknowledge the supporters of the idea that the “yellow-blue” should be exclusively natives of our country. And finally, a couple of days ago in the national team of Ukraine was invited by Shakhtar’s striker Junior Moraes, who in less than a day before the call-up to the “yellow-blue” has been our citizenship. He became the 13th on account of a naturalized player in the history of the Ukrainian national team. And the invitation of Junior Moraes has caused heated debate in fan circles. Some believe that this step is the verdict of the national football. And the more optimistic fans of the team believe that “foreigners will help us”. And will it help? Anyone who needs to: Junior Moraes – the national team of Ukraine? Or is it he? The focus of his arguments “Pro” and “contra”.

Not a good life invitation

Gone are the days when Ukrainian attackers thundered throughout Europe. Recall that three Ukrainians who in different times received the “Golden ball” best player of the continent – Oleg Blokhin, Igor Belanov and Andriy Shevchenko – was the role forwards. And then Sergei Rebrov and Andriy Voronin in attack of the national team of Ukraine has a deficit of skilled players. Whether scantily talents of our football, whether the dominance of foreigners in the domestic League has led to such consequences in this already have to understand sports historians. But the fact remains: he leads the national team of Ukraine, its famous striker Shevchenko was faced with the choice of players in attacking roles. Though most career ever start taking it again! Even last year and the performance of the “yellow-blue” in the League of Nations the League. What did we see? Sheva has tried a number of forwards, but little spice to our attacks is not increased. The talented young Roman Yaremchuk, who regularly scores for the Belgian “Gent”, but in the national team he has not scored in official matches. Remaining impressed even less, they still lack experience. It’s good that the “yellow-blue” is a good middle line, where the guys with the scoring instincts enough – Andriy Yarmolenko, Yevhen Konoplyanka, Ruslan Malinovsky, Marlos and others. In fact, our Midfielders had in the past year to take the rap for himself and for those guys that Andrei has advanced to the point of attack. Is it right? Of course not.

The problem of the forwards in the national team is acute. And it is not the fault Shevchenko

In 2018, the year, it was rumored that attack of the Ukrainian team can strengthen the Brazilian Junior Moraes. He was already seven years living and playing in our country, and to apply for Ukrainian passport, enough of five short years. In addition, the player himself could not hide in the media of his desire to join the “yellow-blue”. Like, if Andriy Shevchenko will be interested in his services, he will be only too happy to play for the main team of Ukraine. The Brazilian can understand: he has already exceeded 30, and play for the national team of his homeland, he may except in a popular video game FIFA. And here is a real opportunity to compete for qualifying for Euro 2020. Will put aside the veneer of patriotism and all that stuff, and leave the purely personal interest of Junior Moraes. It is clear that the status of the player of a national team automatically increases his value in the transfer market, and the conditions of the personal contract with a particular club. Of course, age-Junior Moraes does not Shine in the transition to a top European club, but to go to Shakhtar, as they say, last long check, relatively speaking, in China or the United States, he is still easily able. From this point of view playing for the national team of Ukraine pose to the Brazilian considerable interest. What? Great self-promotion!

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Andriy Shevchenko from time to time evasively answered all the questions regarding the possible emergence of Junior Moraes in the camp of “yellow-blue”. They say, even a Ukrainian passport will get, and there already and we will think what to do with it. In addition, in Kiev “Dynamo” Brazilian over three seasons was not impressed. But last summer, Junior Moraes moved on a free transfer to Shakhtar, and there he that say, a second breath of life. Perhaps, the presence in the team of many of his countrymen, as well as Portuguese coach Paulo Fonseca contributed to the fact that Junior Moraes spread their wings. And almost from the first matches for the Shakhtar goals in his performance fell, as if from a cornucopia. To date, he has amazing stats: 21 goals and 11 assists, and is in 31 matches for the Pitmen! Now try to remember the forward-Ukrainians, who this season has scored at least one goal 15-17 goals for his club.

We tend to the fact that Andriy Shevchenko didn’t have much choice on the eve of the eurotram, but already on Friday the national team of Ukraine will start in this match, with the Portuguese out. Monday, March 18 in the national media there was news that the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, the personal decree granted citizenship of our country Junior Moraes. Andrey portrayed surprise: “what are you talking about? Didn’t know didn’t know…” Then, of course, Shevchenko, to put it mildly, slukavil. Sure he knew about the dances around the issuance of Ukrainian passports to Brazilian. And even insisted on it personally. The task was simplified because the godfather and namesake of the coach – President of FFU Andrew Pavelko – part of the inner circle of the President. And Andrey, confident, not too difficult to convince the first person in the country to provide Ukrainian citizenship to Junior Moraes.

In Kiev “Dynamo” I think that Junior Moraes rude

Anyway, on Tuesday Shevchenko called “new Ukrainians” in the national team of Ukraine and the Brazilian arrived promptly. Now he prepares with the others for the qualifying matches with Portugal and Luxembourg. Of course, this news has split the camp of fans of the national team of Ukraine into two camps. Optimistic-minded of fans believes that in its current state, Junior Moraes will have to court. He is an experienced, driven (0,7 goals average per match), also in the national team he will have a good “porters shells” in the face countryman and teammate Marloes, with whom they interact beautifully and Shakhtar. Fooling around on the field – not in the interests of Junior Moraes, not for the fact he was in our team was eager.

The fans who silently or openly “thanked” the appearance of the forward of Shakhtar in the Ukrainian national team, there’s at least one concrete argument which vividly muzzle the skeptics. Which is better – with the Brazilians in the squad to break through to Euro 2020? Or, a team staffed exclusively by the Ukrainians to remain in the end, behind forum the best teams of the continent? The answer, as you know, on the surface. Of course, not the fact that with Marlos and Junior Moraes we will come to the European championship. But without them, we think, will make it even harder.

By the way, win and Shakhtar Donetsk. Because now Junior Moraes will not be considered a foreigner, and it means that the Pitmen’s head coach Fonseca will be able to use in official matches on the field plus one alien.

Assistant for a couple of years

About the possible “advantages” that can bring into play the national team of Ukraine Junior Moraes, we have already said. But there are “cons”. First, the age of the player. 4 APR Brazil Ukrainians will already be 32 years old. So our national team, he will be able to help a year or two, and there are already about going out to a football retirement time to think. And to give way to the young, as they say.

The second “minus” is an uneasy relationship Junior Moraes with former team-mates at Dynamo Kiev. The separation of the Brazilian “white-blue” last year was not amicable. Club President Ihor Surkis and head coach Alyaksandr Khatskevich tried to convince him to stay in Kiev not to negotiate with Shakhtar. According to the club boss and coach of “Dynamo”, Junior Moraes swore-swore to them that does not conduct any secret games with Shakhtar. And lied peremetnulis into the camp of the Donetsk club. Ihor Surkis even threw in their hearts, that if in any any other club forward promise a hundred dollars more than Shakhtar, the Brazilian with the same ease will show the back and the orange and black.

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A continuation of this story is a first date Junior Moraes in the status of the player of Shakhtar with Dynamo last summer, in Odessa, where the top clubs played the super Cup of Ukraine. At the pre-match build and greeting teams several Dynamo players (particularly goalkeeper Denis Boyko) simply do not shake hands with Junior Moraes…

Junior Moraes from Tuesday’s training with the national team of Ukraine

Not for us to judge who is right in this story, and who is not. But life turned so that now the Brazilian is again in the same boat with the Dynamo, this time in the national team of Ukraine. They will be there to treat each other? Our sources in the national team saying that the call is Junior Moraes is absolutely not hurt the atmosphere in the team.

Edmar sure that the countryman will be useful to Ukrainians

The first Brazilian in the history of the national team of Ukraine – pet Simferopol and Kharkiv public Edmar believes that Andriy Shevchenko did the right thing by inviting a team of Junior Moraes. Focus found the ex-leader of “Tavria” and “Metalist” in the United States, where Edmar for a few years living with his family near Miami (Florida). Edward, as it is affectionately called relatives, friends and fans, still plays football for semi-professional club, “hurricane”, which plays in one of the lower divisions of the United States. In addition, Edmar acts… and for the national team of Ukraine! Yes, only for the team of our countrymen-emigrants from the United States, which he visited last year in Irpin ‘ (city-satellite city of Kiev) at the world championship among the teams of the Ukrainian Diaspora. Edik familiar with Junior Moraes faced in the championship of Ukraine, and holds good opinion about him as a person and football player: “It’s a friendly and funny guy. Cultural, educated, never fails to the fans in the autograph or selfie. We’re not really close friends, but when meeting always joyfully embrace and shake hands. Since we are both from Brazil! I follow the situation in Ukrainian football, and I know that in the national team have problems in attack. I had a chance to play a bit for Ukraine with Andriy Shevchenko. He was a fine footballer and will grow into a great coach. And if he decided to hire the services of Junior Moraes, then, sees this as the meaning and problem solving in the team’s attack. In the end, it was Shevchenko is responsible for the performances of the national team, so no one has the right to tell him what to do.

Edmar has paved the way for the national team of Ukraine and other Brazilians

Someone said that Brazilians are less likely to try in the team than the Ukrainians. This is ridiculous. I played for the “yellow-blue” to the limit of their capabilities. My wife is Ukrainian, my children were born in your country, I represented in the team “Metallist” from Kharkov. Did I have any moral right to play worse than other players? No, no and no again! If I was given such a high honour and trust, I had no right to disappoint people, ordinary fans, their teammates, her coach. And nobody will reproach me that I cleaned his feet and avoided the fight, speaking for the national team of Ukraine. Another example Marlos, that I played at Metalist. Last year he was invited to the national team of Ukraine. And what is he disappointed? Everyone saw that Marlos brings a lot to the team, became one of its leaders. Someone from this worse? I am sure that with Junior Moraes will be the same story. It also will strengthen the national team of Ukraine, no doubt. You’ll see, once he scores a couple of goals for the “yellow-blue”, Moraes will cease to criticize and will be on hand to wear. He’s a professional. Proved that in “the Dynamo” and “Shakhtar” will prove in the national team. No need to think the Brazilians are the enemies of the Ukrainian football. And I, and Marlos played for the national team of Ukraine in full gear. And Junior Moraes will play. It’s our honor and our reputation. Ukraine gave us a lot, including in football terms, and we can be grateful.”

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So. Speech Edmar, even though he was emotional, but his words somehow I want to believe. Maybe, in the future in the national team of Ukraine and will be worthy successors Blokhin, Belanova and Shevchenko. In the meantime, there are none, you have to search for reserves to enhance in other countries. This is a fact that currently you just need to take. Anyhow, to answer for the performance of the national team in the eurotram was going to be Andriy Shevchenko, and not those who criticize him for personnel decisions. So Sheva, as they say, and all the cards in hand. Including another Brazilian “Joker”.

Photo of Paul and Alexandra Kubanova Slavinskogo (FFU), Eugene Krause, as well as the official sites of “Dynamo” and “Shakhtar”