Researchers of cosmic mysteries concerned about a strange phenomenon in the night sky. Many associate with the odd mega-cube training the alien invasion.
Specialists have discovered a new anomalous phenomenon: giant cubic object, which appeared near the sun and clearly visible from the earth’s surface with a telescope, reports “Russian conversation”.
In social networks published a short video on strange UFO. More than 11 thousand inhabitants of the planet watched this video in two days. In the comments the debate unfolded about the cause of the phenomenon.
NASA employees showed the new footage, which was obtained by using the probe SOHO. They confirm that the mysterious object was in the vicinity of the Sun. The researchers also found that a giant UFO had a cuboid shape and was covered with strange inscriptions-hieroglyphics. Once the researchers checked the materials sent from outer space, made sure that the image is actually a huge ship of unknown origin, which has direct similarities with the cube. Some believe that the ship arrived to colonize our Galaxy.
We will remind, the researchers stated inexorably deadly planet X and called the probable date of the invasion and also the signs by which the humans of the impending disaster.