KIEV. August 1. UNN. Joint military exercises of the countries-members and partners of NATO Partner Noble 2018 begins Wednesday at the Vaziani military base in Georgia. This was reported by press service of the defense Ministry of the Republic, reports UNN.

According to the Agency, the maneuvers “will take part more than 3 thousand servicemen from 13 countries-members and partners of NATO: Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, great Britain, Germany, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, USA, Turkey, Ukraine, France and Estonia. The scenario planning exercise includes the conduct of command-post and field training, live firing, and battle shunting interaction of the elements”, – stated in the message.

The training will involve a technique of the European command of the U.S. armed forces, which in late July was delivered by sea to the Georgian port of Poti to Romanian port of constanţa is, in particular, MIA2 Abrams tanks, Stryker armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles Bradley.

The exercises of the Georgian Armed forces with the assistance of the European command of the U.S. armed forces. In July defence Minister Levan Izoria stated that the 2018 Noble Partner are to contribute to the process of increasing the compatibility of the Georgian Armed forces to NATO standards, security and stability in the region. The highest officials of the Republic have repeatedly stated that these exercises are not directed against anyone and they are meant to promote peace and stability in the region.