Video Massive fire at factory in MexicoPhoto: Cronica Policiaca

The fire covered 10 thousand square meters

18.12.18 92000

The fire started in a textile factory in the Mexican city of Toluca, 17 Dec. And it still can not repay. About it reports the local edition of Cronica Policiaca.

Burned the factory and the warehouses nearby. The fire quickly spread and engulfed an area of 10 thousand square meters.

La puerta al hell en estos momentos está en #Toluca fuerte por el #incendio en bodega de Santín. Bomberos de distintas regiones se encuentran en el lugar.

— Operaciones Especiales México (@OpEsMx) December 17, 2018

Yet on casualties no information, but all employees and inhabitants of nearby houses were evacuated because of the black acrid smoke that covered the entire area.

What was the cause of the fire is still unknown. Rescuers on the scene reported that now the fire is localized.

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But how long will it take to completely extinguish the fire, is unknown.

We will remind, in the English city of Chester fire broke out at the zoo. Burned birds, fish and animals.