In honor of International women’s day members of the movement for the Future Team conducted a campaign to Make Her Smile (“she will smile”). In more than 30 countries, activists congratulated women on March 8, giving them flowers and gifts.

    Friday, March 8, was international women’s day. In honor of this holiday in many cities around the world took action to Make Her Smile, in which the participants of the world movement Future Team welcomed women gave them flowers and gifts.

    Volunteers do it for the third time. Basically it involved citizens of the Russian Federation and immigrants from Russia, therefore in previous years it was called From Russia with Love (“From Russia with love”).

    One of the cities where the activists have decided to congratulate girls and women, became the capital of Azerbaijan Baku. Volunteers went to the social shelter of the public Association of aid to women “Clean world”.

    “To receive gifts very happily and pleasantly, it all happened unexpectedly,” — said Galina Umarova, living in the shelter.

    • Share Make Her Smile in Azerbaijan

    The initiative was supported and the ocean. The activists congratulated the students and teachers in Washington and California universities.

    “Russian club of the University of Washington in honor of March 8 will be handing out flowers to the girls on campus to celebrate this holiday and make them a pleasant feeling and smile,” said coordinator of the action in Seattle Sergey Gladysh.

    • The action of the Russian club of the University of Washington in Seattle

    In turn, a student of the University of California at Berkeley Valentin Marchenko added that in the action there’s no hidden meaning, “only the pure desire to wish.”

    “I believe that women are the center of our society. And they definitely deserve a separate holiday, as well as men. I think that any person who today decided to give flowers in honor of International women’s day, said the same,” he said.

    It is worth noting that activist managed to achieve the desired effect. As told by a girl named Blanca, she felt “valued and recognised”.

    “Very cute flower. He really lifted my spirits, as I had exam and it went so-so. I never knew there was such a date, such a holiday. This is the first time I heard about it at the” she said.

    • The action of the Russian club of the University of Berkeley in California

    One of the events in Europe took place in the Serbian town of Novi Sad. There are representatives of Student Union of Serbia at the book fair congratulated the girls and women by giving them handmade cards.

    “I don’t quite understand the significance of international women’s day. But I guess it is, as I was taught in childhood. It’s a day for honoring the woman having the same rights in society as men. And this day is dedicated to mothers, grandmothers, girlfriends and anyone who identifies with the female gender,” said one of the girls.

    • Representatives of the Student Union of Serbia congratulated the attendees of the book fair in Novi Sad

    No greetings left and girls and women living on the African continent. Future Team volunteers donated school supplies, shoes and chocolates to teachers and pupils of secondary schools in Refilwe in the suburbs Cullinan.

    “For me, international women’s day means that all women from small to large needs to be recognized and have the opportunity to Express themselves without any restrictions, no one will be able to limit them in their feelings and tell them they can live how they want,” — said the Director of the educational institution, Selina Cello.

    • Share Make Her Smile in South Africa

    The first event called Make Her Smile held in 2017 on initiative of participants of the XIX world festival of youth and students. Later this initiative taken up by the movement of the Future Team, which brings together young people around the world.