Lutsenko commented on the clashes in the city garden of Odessa: “I’m for protests, but without the stones”
Uncategorized November 25, 2017KIEV. 25 Nov. UNN. Prosecutor General Yury Lutsenko commented on the situation in the City garden in Odessa, when a peaceful protest turned into clashes activists by police officers. About this on his page in Facebook wrote press Secretary of the Prosecutor General Larisa Sargan, reports UNN.
“Yuriy Lutsenko said that the Prosecutor’s office is on the side of the protesters, but the protests must wear non-violent”, — said in the message L. garfish.
In his report, the attorney General noted that the Prosecutor’s office supports the activists in the development of a community garden.
“I’m for the protests. But without gems, especially since prosecutors requires the same thing and the protesters,” — said Yuri Lutsenko.
See ALSO: Odessa court sent to jail another participant of the protest action near the Summer theatre
As reported UNN, the Prosecutor’s office demands to cancel the construction permit for the shopping areas in the City garden of Odessa.
Recall, November 19, in clashes between police and activists in the City garden of Odessa was injured more than two dozen law enforcement officers .