KIEV. April 3. UNN. On the rivers of Ukraine for April 3-6, will continue to rise the water level. Turn the heat can separate the territory of Lugansk and Odessa region. It is reported by UNN citing the press service of the SSES.
On the rivers of Ukraine for April 3-6, will continue to rise the water level:
- on the rivers of the Pripyat basin 0.1-0.5 m with a subsequent flooding of the floodplains and the achievement marks the initial flooding of individual commercial structures (Ratescom R-n Volinska region);
- on the left tributaries of the Middle Dnieper of 0.6-1.0 with the release of water on the floodplain (Sumy, Poltava, Dnipropetrovsk region);
- on the remaining rivers will be dominated by the daily growth rate of water levels to 20-30 cm.
- 3 5 APR on the Danube river — M. Vilkovo (Odessa region) Will be stored dangerous levels of water in the range of 160-170 cm above the “0” post (8 h 2.04 level 162 cm);
- in Transcarpathia, on 3 April, it is expected to create maximum levels of another wave of floods with the rise of water levels above current marks: Tisa-PGT Plugs at 0.8-1.3 m; G. R. Tisza and Latorica — Chop 0.8-1.3 m water content on the floodplain megaboom space R. Latorica.
“3 — 5 April on the Ukrainian part, in connection with the passage of the wave spring flood is expected to further increase in water levels with achievement of dangerous marks 535 cm above the zero position, at which the flooding of the berths No. 1 to 5 of Reni sea trade port. In connection with the development of spring floods on the rivers of Luhansk oblast, April 3-4, is expected to rise in the water level by 0.3-0.8 m per day and increase the layer of water on the floodplains. Possible flooding of settlements close to Mr. Derkul ”, – said in DSNS.
As reported UNN, due to the melting of the snow cover along the road Poltava-Kiev water flooded the roadway.
According to Ukrgidromettsentra, 1-5 April, in the Ukrainian part of the Danube, in connection with the passage of the wave spring floods and strong winds, in the alignment of the station Vilkovo is expected to further increase in water levels with achievement of dangerous marks 185 cm above the zero position, in which podtoplentsy 50 %.