Poll Legalize sweeping the planet. What will the legalization of marijuana
Focus invites readers to comment on what consequences may result from the legalization of marijuana in Ukraine
Poll Legalize sweeping the planet. What will the legalization of marijuana
Focus invites readers to comment on what consequences may result from the legalization of marijuana in Ukraine
The world’s changing attitude toward marijuana. That it is not more dangerous than alcohol, openly declare the most influential politicians. For example, shortly before the resignation was mentioned by President Barack Obama, noting, however, that the pot Smoking he still considers it a Vice.
The expense of countries where the consumption of cannabis in legalized medical or recreational purposes, soon to be ten. Among the post-Soviet States the most liberal to include it in Georgia, where last year Smoking marijuana ceased to be a violation of the law, and citizens are allowed to grow cannabis for personal use.
In Ukraine, several social movements and politicians in favor of legalization. Yet their voice is weaker than the opponents, who argue, for example, that the experience of the US and Europe testifies to the growth in the number of accidents involving stoned drivers. Focus invites readers to comment on what the consequences of this will be selecting the statements that they agree.