Well-known Ukrainian political expert Kirill Sazonov gave an exclusive interview to the online edition Диалог.UA in which gave an assessment of the most important developments in recent times.
– Good evening, Cyril! The most important and the most tragic event for Ukraine today was, of course, the crash “Boeing” in Tehran, which killed 11 of our citizens. In Your opinion, is it a coincidence or a planned terrorist act? If the latter, then who is behind it, Iran or Moscow and controlled by her powers?
– Hello! Those wishing to comment on the accident of the Ukrainian plane in Iran already lined up. The real experts on aviation security in their statements carefully. Because to build any serious versions, you need to study the record of negotiations of the pilot Manager and, more importantly, record the flight recorders, which for simplicity are called “black boxes”. The latter are valuable because they are a record of negotiations of crew until the last second.
In addition, necessary examination of the aircraft wreckage to determine the cause of the engine fire. Up to this point, we can build a huge number of versions. Crew error is the most unlikely. The crew experienced, with decent flight hours. A technical malfunction? But the plane is almost new, only three years of operation for this side – no time. The rocket hit? Pre-planted explosives? We must not forget that the engines of this type provides an Autonomous fire extinguishing system for single engines aircraft is also put.
That is, all versions yet unsubstantiated and sway stakeholders. Someone wants to question the quality of the “Boeing”, someone happy to arrange an information attack on aviakompaniju MAU, someone has already accused Iran, and conspiracy theorists looking for an American track. The sensible thing to do now is to wait for the facts. That is, transcripts of records and the first results of examinations on the cause of the fire. The rest is guesswork
– How do You see relations between Ukraine and Iran, if it is proved that the accident aircraft involved in Tehran?
– If it turns out that Tehran was involved in the crash, the relationship between our countries is much worse. However, today is hardly warm and active. Iran is not currently for Ukraine is a strategic partner or strategic investor.
– Another important event today – strikes Iran us bases in Iraq. Assess these events as they will continue to develop, whether there will be a big war in the middle East?
– This is not something to predict. There is even a clear information on the number of real victims from the American side. The problem is that the global war currently needs neither the US nor Iran. But this does not mean that it will not. Better to wait for not even the statements of President Donald trump, and the first actions of the United States. Would be to find a mediator for negotiations means that the parties are ready to get out of the situation with minimal damage now. There will be a strike on targets in Iran, as previously mentioned trump? So, we are waiting for exchange and growth escalation. In this case, it is difficult to say where the finish line is.
– Should Ukraine openly take the side of USA in the conflict with Iran, or should we remain neutral?
– On the Ukrainian territory, and so has the place of the armed aggression of Russia, we have occupied part of the territories of Donbass and the Crimean Peninsula. In this situation, to get into any side in a major conflict in the middle East’s just not worth it. The scales in the direction of one of the players we bow just will not be able, but the strain of war on two fronts – easily.
Interviewed by Georgy Borisenko, exclusively for the online edition Диалог.UA.
We will remind, today near the Iranian airport Imam Khomeini crashed Ukrainian plane “Boeing”. On Board were 180 people, including 11 citizens of Ukraine.
It later emerged that the Iranian authorities are not going to give “black boxes” of the aircraft to the Ukrainian side.
We also wrote that of the Iranian military attacked a US military base in Iraq.