Wednesday, February 5 in Ukraine, came the cyclone, which brought with it a powerful snowfall. Swept and Kyiv city. In the next couple of days the weather conditions will worsen, warned Reuters.

It should be noted that today in Kharkiv almost the whole day was a wet snow, which immediately turned into a snow “mess” because of the warm temperature is about 0℃. Only in the evening, according to weather forecasters a bit colder, and the night temperature drops to -4℃.

To cope with the consequences of the deteriorating weather conditions, the utilities brought to the streets of the city more than 130 pieces of equipment.

According to the forecast, tomorrow, 6 February, snow in Kharkov continues. However, the temperature slightly will decrease and will fluctuate around -1 to -3 ℃ in the daytime, and at night drops to -6℃. It is also expected strong wind 6 – 12 m/s

7 February in Kharkov, the snow is not as strong, but it will be even colder. The day temperature will not exceed the freezing mark, and at night drops to -9℃.

8 Feb residents of Kharkiv should prepare for severe frosts. The snow will be gone. But the temperature will fall during the day to -7℃, and at night right up to -14℃.

Sunday, February 9, Kharkov will also be dry. Today will be warmer (-2 to 4℃), and at night there will still be a serious frost (-12 -14℃).

Earlier Диалог.UA reported that Ukraine has covered just two of the cyclone with the cold weather and snowstorms – rescuers announced the first danger level.

We also reported that in February in Ukraine there is a cold snap, weather forecasters warned of a peak of cold.

We talked about the weather in the Ukrainian capital – Kiev.