In Ukraine banned the solution for the moment because of adverse reactions

KIEV. 2 Dec. UNN. Ukraine temporarily banned the sale and use of medicines “ringer’s solution”. It is reported by UNN with reference to the disposal of the State service of Ukraine on drugs and drug control.

“To temporarily ban the sale and use of medicines “ringer’s solution”, series 490818, solution for infusion 400 ml in PVC container, 1 container in plastic packaging, the Ukrainian production due to the case nepredusmotritelen adverse reactions”, – stated in the message.

See ALSO: Ukraine has banned the popular drug against influenza

All pharmacies have to place this drug in quarantine to separate orders of the Administration.

Help UNN: “ringer’s solution” – a solution for intravenous administration. The solutions used for the correction of violations of electrolyte balance.

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As reported by UNN, in Ukraine temporarily banned the sale and use of the drug “Clopidogrel”.