In the Odessa region police are investigating the beating of a head of the city Council of his slave

KIEV. March 20. UNN. The head of the city Council Bolgrad threatened his subordinate, the head of one of the utilities, and then pushed her, causing the woman was injured. A statement she called the police. About it reported in a press-centre GU of the national police in the Odessa region, reports UNN.

“Acting head of the municipal enterprise has addressed with the statement to the police. She reported that an official of the local government were expressed in its address by obscene abuse, threatened and pushed her into the wall, causing her to hit her head. A woman asked for help from doctors and law enforcement “, – stated in the message.

Now the police establish the circumstances of the incident.

On this fact initiated criminal proceedings under part 1 of article 125 of the Criminal code of Ukraine.

As reported by UNN, in Odessa during a quarrel one driver was stabbed in the neck with the other.