It is planned that boats will patrol the coast, but under new names – “Slavic” and “Starobilsk”.
Boats released on water to check their technical condition / skrinshot Odessa region to the open sea to test out two U.S. coast guard cutters of the Island class.
This is stated in the story TSN.
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Them a year ago, the US gave the Ukrainian Navy. Due to repairs and retrofitting in Odessa ship came only at the end of October this year. Ukrainian sailors have mastered the management of the American boats. Special exercises were held in Baltimore.
Finally, to check the technical condition after transportation, boats and produced at the trial. If they are successful, two days later, the former Island enrolled in the Ukrainian Naval forces. In Ukraine, they will patrol the coast, but under new names – “Slavic” and “Starobilsk”.
In the Odessa region into the open sea to test out two us coast guard cutters
As UNIAN reported earlier, Air Force and Land forces of Ukraine fully armed with radar stations. To the troops during the year, did the products KP “NPK “Iskra” — the mobile three-coordinate radar station 35Д6 and family 3D radars 80К6, as well as ground radar detection P-18 “malachite”, produced by NPP “aerotekhnika-MLT”.