The incident occurred on 29 December.
The poachers pulled in the face of a member of the reserve weapons and selected phone / WUXI Odessa Odessa region, armed poachers attacked the employee of the national nature Park “Tuzlovsky limans”.

About this Facebook said the Director of the reserve Irina vykhristyuk.

“On Saturday, December 29, on the territory of national natural Park “Tuzlovsky limans” an audacious attack on a employee of the Park. After he tried to prevent the crime and fixed the offenders, they pointed the gun to him in the face, then took the phone, where their photos with the location,” wrote vyhristjuk.

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According to her, yesterday at about 12.00 in the Park (26 km sandy rerash) the chief of service of state guard reserve were recorded travel at speed of Mitsubishi dark green (NR 0383 license plate BX), which went to the side of the protected zone. The man was in the way of a car a few kilometers before the national Park territory. Making sure that the car drove into the protected zone, he returned and instructed the engineer Sergei Nagaev to wait to fix the car.

“In response to the request, Sergei went in the direction of the edge of the observation point from the “Rasaki”. This is the only place where you can get a car at sandy spit – the Park. But during the passage (and it is 4 km on the sand), he met two hunters with dog and dead birds,” said vyhristjuk.

According to her, Nagaev introduced himself and explained that the perpetrators are in the territory of the national Park, where hunting is strictly prohibited, what’s next hunting grounds, and that no he should be on the Protocol and to record them in photos.

“What the poachers seemed to agree – they were calm and not aggressive. But after Sergei took a photo, they “gently” pulled out the gun and took the phone, which immediately threw into the sea. This gesture dog took it as a command and jumped into the water, brought the phone, which is not included”, – said vyhristjuk.

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According to her, the poachers took the phone and left, Nagaev got to the fishing base where I called the police and the border guards, reported the incident and asked to stop the perpetrators. Vyhristjuk notes that poachers can get to the reserve (sandy spit) in a single place – to come from the dam, where a border observation point. The Director claims that the guards ignored the requests of the employees of the national Park and not detained the car with the poachers. In law enforcement the incident has not yet commented.

Reference to UNIAN. “Tuzlovsky limans” — national nature Park, located on the territory of the tatarbunar district of Odessa region. Established on 1 January 2010. Area — 27 865 hectares. Total area of water mirror ponds — 206 sq. km System of lakes located in the Park has the status of a wetland of international importance under the Ramsar Convention, with a special protection regime.