In the fight against childhood obesity in Britain want to restrict advertising of junk foodPhoto: inform-UA

Every third child in the country is overweight

18.03.19 2100

In the fight against childhood obesity in the country, the UK authorities plan to ban advertising of harmful food and drinks until 21:00. About it reports The Times.

According to studies, every third child in the country is overweight or obese.

Some restrictions on promoting foods high in fat, salt or sugar are already in place. Now the British government wants to restrict advertising of certain products on television, web-services and social networks.

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According to expert estimates, in 2017 advertising of foods high in fat, salt or sugar were seen on the Internet 700 million times, and on TV 3.5 billion times.

“It is wrong that our children are so widely and easily exposed to advertising of foods high in fat, sugar and salt”, – said the Minister of health of the country Steve Breen.

As previously reported by the Focus:

  • Acting Minister of health of Ukraine Ulyana Suprun said that several specialized pills before meal can’t save me from the consequences of overeating.
  • Italian researchers claim that the paste useful in the fight against obesity, but be careful with doses and seasonings.