Is a Christmas gift from the National legislative Assembly of Thailand to the government and people of Thailand.
Illustration of REUTERS

The Thai Parliament unanimously supported the amendments to the law prohibiting the use of marijuana for medical purposes and use in research purposes.

See also Britain legalized medical marijuana

“It’s a new year’s gift from the National legislative Assembly of Thailand to the government and people of Thailand,” said Somchai Sawaengkarn, Chairman of the Committee of Parliament involved in the drafting of the bill, reports Reuters.

Now the government will have to discuss how marijuana will be produced, in what quantities it will be possible to buy and store, for what specific medical cases to use. As predicted by the advocates of full marijuana legalization in Thailand, the current government’s decision will be the basis for the subsequent legalization of recreational marijuana. “This decision is only the first small step forward,” said Chaquan of Csopak of organization Highland Network, advocating for the legalization of marijuana in Thailand.