The Ukrainian Ombudsman has not yet received permission to visit Ukrainian sailors in a Moscow jail.
Illustration / REUTERS

Parliament Commissioner for human rights, Lyudmila Denisova said that information about the health status captured by Russia in the Kerch Strait Ukrainian prisoners of war sailors still controversial.

As reported by the Ukrainian Ombudsman in the social network Facebook, she today met with the Chairman of the Committee of the OSCE parliamentary Assembly on democracy, human rights and humanitarian Affairs Margareta keener Nellen and Rapporteur of the Committee kiriakos Chiriac-Hajiani, who first came to Ukraine with a mission.

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Denisov noted that the international support is very important for Ukraine, especially in matters of pressure on the Russian Federation, to released Ukrainian political prisoners and prisoners of war.

“I have informed representatives of the Committee of the OSCE PA about the situation with the capture of our 24 sailors Russian Federation. Reiterated that we have conflicting information about the state of health of the Ukrainian seamen. I, as a Commissioner, are constantly trying to get them to see their status and conditions of detention. While such permits I received, therefore, asked the representatives of the Third General Committee of the OSCE PA assistance in this matter,” – said Denisov.

“Not paid attention to our political prisoners, which holds the Russian Federation. Unfortunately, almost every day the list is updated. I was informed about the recent detention of the Crimean Tatar Edem Bekirova, whose serious condition was placed in jail and has no medical aid. Another Crimean Tatar Server Mustafayev recently placed in a psychiatric hospital,” – said Denisov.

“A list of all the people Russia is actually trying, is constantly expanding, so we agreed that I will provide the representatives of the OSCE all the information about the rights violations of political prisoners committed by the Russian Federation, and they also put these things yourself to control”, – said the Ombudsman.

In addition, she said that representatives of the OSCE PA informed her that they would try to get to the occupied Crimea to see the situation on the ground. “I promised to help if necessary”, – said Denisov.