In Russia are investigating the kidnapping and torture officer, Amnesty International

Oleg Kozlovsky

KIEV. 26 grudnia.UNN. At the request of the human rights organization Amnesty International Oleg Kozlovsky, a criminal case. He claims that he was kidnapped and tortured in the Russian Republic of Ingushetia in October of this year. It is reported by UNN citing the press service of the “Committee against torture”.

“The case was initiated on the grounds of committing a particularly serious crime under paragraph “a”, “b” and “g” of part 2 of article 126 of the criminal code: kidnapping committed by a group of persons upon a preliminary collusion, with the use of violence dangerous for life and health, with the use of weapons or objects used as weapons”, – stated in the message.

Authorities claim that on 3 December a criminal case was initiated on the grounds of committing heinous crimes. However, reported the lawyer of the Committee Dmitry Piskunov today.

According to Kozlowski, in the framework of the research project 5 October 2018, he arrived in the capital of Ingushetia, Magas, where at that time held protests.

The next day, it tells the applicant to his hotel room, knocked the unknown man and asked to go outside, ostensibly to meet one of the organizers of the protests. Thus he was lured into a car where two men in masks forced the defender to turn the phone off and taken outside the city, where he was beaten and forced to become his informant.

“According to Kozlowski, the kidnappers put him in the head with a gun and forced to strip naked: humiliated, beaten, threatened with murder. All this video filmed on the phone, and then receiving from him a promise not to tell anybody anything, went and got my stuff to the hotel, Artis Plaza, and then drove and dropped off near the airport in Beslan in North Ossetia”, – stated in the message.

According to Kozlowski, his captors called a staff of the Ingush Center for counteraction to extremism of the Center “e”.

Remind the Committee of the Council of Europe reported about the torture of Ukrainian political prisoner Vladimir Dudka.