In Odessa the woman faked “abduction” daughter

KIEV. 25 Nov. UNN. In Odessa the woman to get seven-month-old daughter faked her kidnapping. In order to justify to his family for this act, she created an “alibi”, with reference to the Department of communication of the police of the Odessa region, reports UNN.

As militiamen told about the kidnapping of the girl, the police said the mother. “Upset” the woman said that near the train station, she was distracted by an older child, and when he returned the stroller with the infant was gone. From in search of kid focused all the police and the public.

“While employees of the seaside police Department searched the area near the station interviewed passers-by and watched video from surveillance cameras, Suvorov police Department received information that an hour earlier in the hospital threw seven-month-old girl in things where you found a note with a request to take care of a small and personal data on her and her mom,” he told police.

Law enforcement officers went to a medical facility where interviewed possible witnesses and eyewitnesses of incident. One of the respondents provided a detailed description of a woman with a stroller – she asked him for a sheet of paper and a pen. This information was immediately communicated to the colleagues in Primorsky OP.

After analyzing the information gathered, the police came to the conclusion that the woman has addressed in police with the statement about the kidnapping of a child and left the baby near the hospital is one and the same person. Although the lawbreaker was trying to confuse the trail, putting in the left daughter and note other people’s personal data. In the end the police found the circumstances of the events.

READ ALSO: IN Kiev, the father “kidnapped” son from his ex-wife

As it turned out, about a month ago, 22-year-old resident of Izium in the Kharkiv region, with two young children at the age of 2.8 years and 6 months arrived to relatives to Odessa, ostensibly to undergo a medical examination. According to pseudo-mother, her youngest daughter – “terminally ill”, so I didn’t have money for treatment, she decided to leave her in the medical institution. The woman in an hour was going back home in Kharkiv oblast and has even had a train ticket. In order to justify to their families, who are unlikely to approve of such an act, the woman decided to provide an alibi in the story of the “kidnapping”.

Currently, the child examined by physicians previously reported by the mother, the diagnosis is not confirmed. Now the girl was put in a medical facility, to her life threatens nothing. The fate of the baby will be decided by the Department for children of the RSA, where Odessa police have sent information for action in accordance with the law.

In relation to mother’s composed of two administrative reports under article 184 (non-performance by parents or persons, them replacing, duties on education of children) and article 183 (false call of special services) of the Code of Ukraine on administrative offences.

Recall that in Chernivtsi 12-year-old boy lied about his kidnapping , in order not to get scolding from mother for the lost jacket.