According to preliminary information, the bus stop on ul.Zabolotny passerby saw two men with injuries and called an ambulance.
The ambulance took the man to hospital / photos In Odessa, the police began an investigation into the death of a man whose ambulance drove to the hospital.

See also Zhytomyr scandal: doctors accused in the death of the mother and the child (video)

As reported the UNIAN in a press-service of the Main Directorate of the national police in the Odessa region, according to preliminary information, the bus stop on ul.Zabolotny in Odessa passerby saw two men with injuries. The woman called an ambulance which took the injured from the scene, however, in a medical facility, they never made it.

One of the victims died at the place of residence in Liman district of Odessa region.

On the specified facts criminal proceedings under part 2 of article 121 (intentional grievous bodily harm) and part 1 of article 140 (improper performance of professional duties).