Malefactors in masks severely beat up the owner of the house and stole the family more than 0.5 million dollars in cash. During the attack the house was three young children.
Illustration / REUTERSВ Odessa region on the night of March 13, unknown criminals have made armed assault on the house of a local businessman.

As reported the UNIAN, the representative of the Main Directorate of the National police in the Odessa region, according to preliminary data, the four intruders on their faces was a mask, in a village of the Ovidiopolsky district raided a private home in which the parents had three young children. As noted by the police officer, the youngest child is under three years.

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The suspects severely beat the owner, and, at gunpoint, forced to open the safe. According to the police source, the attackers took jewelry and cash in different currencies is estimated worth of 0.5 million dollars. Then, the criminals fled the scene, as expected, to their waiting car.

The correspondent of the UNIAN in Department of communications of the regional Central Directorate of national police confirmed the attack on the inhabitant of the Ovidiopolsky area.

“In fact openly criminal proceedings under part 4 St. 187 (robbery) of the Criminal code of Ukraine. Currently, operative-investigative measures to establish the identity of suspects and their detention”, – told in Department.